Saturday, March 13, 2010

Puerto Rico, Isla de Encanto

Hé llegué a Puerto Rico en las once en la noche, en viernes. En sabado, Daniel y yo, fuimos a Fajarado para surf un sitio que se llama la pared. Despues del surfing, nosotros regresemos a la San Juan para encontrar mi padre. Entonces nosotros comimos en un restuarante a lado de Daniel’s apartamento, que se llama Bebo’s Café. Luego, mi papa fué al hotel, y Daniel, yo, su prima, su novia, y su hermano fuimos a un disco, se llama pal cielo. Nos gozemos hasta temprano en la mañana. Domingo, despierté a las ocho, y fuí a la primera communion de un amigo de la familia. Luego, fui a la Casa de Daniel, y we chilled and surf con mi papa en la tarde. En lunes, yo fui a Viejo San Juan, exploré este sitio. En la tarde vuelvé al hotel y surf con mi padre, en Pine Cove. Esta noche, Daniel, mi papa, y yo comimos a un pizza place muy rico. En la mañana mi padre y yo levantemos mi temprano y salimos por Isabella. Ahorita, las olas estan much mejor aquí. Este parte de la isla es mas or menos 2 hours de San Juan. Llegemos a un lugar se llama Jobos primero, pero las olas fueron muy grande y parece como una lavadora. Entonces fuímos a mas playas para mirar las olas. Miremos, Surfers Beach, Table Tops, y Wilderness, y todo fueron así así, pero no feuron buenisma. Yo piensé que las olas estarían mejor en Rincon. Por eso, mandemos a Rincon, y aquí las olas feuron buenisma. Las olas rompieron a una punta y fueron 4-8 pies. Corrimos las olas aquí por 3 tres horas. Despues, cansadismos regresemos a San Juan. Para ceña esta noche, comimos a una restuarante Cubano (Ropa Vieja), y comé el mejor ropa vieja del todo mundo. Hoy, diesperté a las nueve y corré las olas en Pine Cove. Despues de eso, salimos el hotel y llegemos al aeropuerto, y lastimamente mi vaccione se acabo :(. Sorry its in all spanish, I figured most you all can read spanish, but if not there is always goolge translate, ☺. Hasta proxima vez.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Flight to PR

I am on flight to PR and decided to write a post while on board. To my left I have a kid who plays golf at bowling green (nice kid) and to my right I have this old Puerto Rican guy just offered me some pringles. He is most definitely a spaz, and he is for sure trying to read my screen, awkward. Haaha, anyways I super stooked to be on board to PR, gonna surf the outer reefs of San Juan en la mañana. I hope to update my blog frequently while in PR, but I don't want to make any promises. Daniel will be picking me up from el aeropuerto en San Juan a las once, but I am not sure what los planes are. Es posible que nosotros vamos a la placita, and enjoy the true Puerto Rican nightlife. If you have been to San Juan and want to go out that it is place to go, el viejo San Juan is good too, but is very touristy and has less latino flavor. Ps swag surfing is legit isn't it? Maybe it is a little dated, but it still sounds good to me. Enough rambling I will post again soon.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Zu goes on CNN

This past (Friday) 2/25/10, Lucas (Zu) was asked to be on CNN. Ali Velshi, the news anchor invited several students to be on a panel of what is a broken government and how do we fix it. Instead of butchering what transpired, here is some of the transcript from cnn.

Ali Velshi: What do you think about government? Is it broken? And how do you fix it?

LUCAS PUENTE, STUDENT, UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA: I agree with Tracy. I think there has to be a balance though between the effectiveness of our policies and also immediate action.

Obviously, Congress has been slowed significantly in the past year and a half with some tactics employed by both parties, but I think we can get over this and come up with some wise, pragmatic policies that can have long-term success while also getting to a short-term fix as well.

VELSHI: You worked with Barack Obama when he was in Congress. Is that correct?


VELSHI: And what did you do with him?

PUENTE: I worked as an intern, so sort of the usual tasks.

VELSHI: The usual stuff interns do?

PUENTE: The usual task of answering phones, giving Capitol tours, et cetera. But I also did some substantive work with the economic and financial team.

I am a proud of my brother, and wanted to share it will you all. Hope you enojoy.